Part-Time Hifdh
Home > Part-Time Hifdh
One time payment of
1st Child $1380
2nd Child $1200
3rd Child $1020
4th Child $720
2 payments of
1st Child $780
2nd Child $690
3rd Child $600
4th Child $450
Part Time Hifdh Program

Dear Parents and Students,
Assalaamu ‘Alaikum,
We would like to welcome all the students and the parents. The academic year for this program consists of 12 months starting in the month of September and concluding in the month of August. Part Time Hifdh is designed to help students begin their journey in memorizing the holy Quran.

Our Vision
  • Aims to help students memorize Quran to the best of their ability with the allotted time under the supervision of qualified instructors.
  • The program strives to instill the importance of not only memorizing the Quran, but also act upon its message.
School Policies


Any student who arrives 10 minutes after the assembly begins will be counted as tardy. Every 3 times a student is late to school, they will be required to stay after class and clean the classroom.


Absences will affect your child’s education and grade. Please attend class everyday. If your child is absent, please let us know in advance with a letter or email. If prior notice is not given then students are required to bring in a letter from parents the next stating their reason for absence. Students will be responsible for making up any assignments during his/her absence.

Dress Code

All students must wear modest clothing. Girls must wear outfits that have long sleeves and covers to the ankles. They also must cover their hair. Boys can wear short sleeves, but must be long enough that when praying the back does not become exposed. Shorts should not be worn unless it covers the knees completely. Clothes for boys and girls must be loose and not see-through.

Behavior in class

Must bring your required textbook, notebooks and a pen/pencil. Obey and have respect for teachers, authority, and other students.
Raise your hand before speaking. Otherwise, sit quietly during class time, and not talk, shout, yell, whisper, laugh or disturb their fellow students. Don’t touch anything that’s not yours in the classroom or anywhere else. Do not hit, punch, slap, otherwise fight, or injure their fellow students. After school, wait inside the masjid while waiting for your parents. Student cell phones MUST be TURNED OFF during school hours. Students found talking or ‘messaging’ on their phones will have the devices confiscated, and will be subject to disciplinary action. Toys, Cards, Magazines, Headphones, Beepers, Cellular Phones, Radios and Electronic Games are not allowed. If such a radio/game is accidentally brought to school, it should either be left in the student’s backpack or submitted to the office until the end of the school day.

Behavior in masjid

While in the prayer hall, no running, playing or raising your voice While praying, concentrate and do not talk to others. No violence or swearing (in or outside the masjid).


Parents are required to park their car and accompany their child to their class. Parents will be notified of the school’s curriculum, and will be expected to help their children with learning and homework. Parents are encouraged to volunteer. Please contact your child’s principal to be a volunteer in any of the activities run by the masjid.

Disciplinary Action Policy

Students who violate the above code of conduct inside class or masjid will be spoken to by their teacher, and asked to refrain from their bad conduct failing that, a note shall be sent home to the parent failing that, the student will be suspended.

Academics and Grading Policy

Teachers will submit progress reports daily and exams will be given throughout the year. After each exam there will be parent teacher meetings where you will sit one on one with your child’s teacher and discuss his/her progress and ways to help your child improve. Any questions regarding your child’s progress in class and his/her performance should be directed to their respective teacher(s).

2022-2023 Calendar

Will be added here soon.

Please Volunteer!
Weekend Islamic school is always looking for volunteers to ensure that kids receive the best education in the best environment. Please contact one of the school administrators to find out the best volunteer opportunities waiting for you!